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KONECT 网络图结构数据合集
22300次浏览 dataju 于 2017-09-10 发布

KONECT 是一个收集大型网络结构数据集的研究项目(http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/),用以进行网络科学领域的科学研究应用,数据集由德国 Koblenz–Landau 大学(University of Koblenz–Landau.)的网络科学技术研究所(Institute of Web Science and Technologies)整理维护。

KONECT包含几个种各种类型的网络数据集,包括:有向,无向,二分,加权,无权,签名和评价网络图等;涵盖了许多不同领域,包括:社交网络,超链接网络,作者网络,物理网络,交互网络和通信网络图等。 KONECT项目开发了免费的软件网络分析工具,用于计算网络统计,绘制绘图和实现各种链路预测算法。 

Code Name Category node edge
CL Actor collaborations Misc 382219 33115812
AM Actor movies Affiliation 511463 1470404
ME Adolescent health HumanSocial 2539 12969
AD Advogato Social 6541 51127
TC Air traffic control Infrastructure 1226 2615
CA Amazon (MDS) Misc 334863 925872
Am Amazon (TWEB) Misc 403394 3387388
AR Amazon ratings Rating 3376972 5838041
Ar American Revolution Affiliation 141 160
AP arXiv astro-ph Coauthorship 18771 198050
AC arXiv cond-mat Authorship 38741 58595
PH arXiv hep-ph Coauthorship 28093 4596803
PHc arXiv hep-ph Citation 34546 421578
TH arXiv hep-th Coauthorship 22908 2673133
THc arXiv hep-th Citation 27770 352807
BAi Baidu internal links Hyperlink 2141300 17794839
BAr Baidu related pages Hyperlink 415641 3284387
BS Berkeley/Stanford Hyperlink 685230 7600595
MN Bible Lexical 1773 16401
Bti BibSonomy tag–publication Folksonomy 972120 2555080
Bui BibSonomy user–publication Folksonomy 773241 2555080
But BibSonomy user–tag Folksonomy 210467 2555080
MB Bison Animal 26 314
Mg Blogs Hyperlink 1224 19025
BX BookCrossing (implicit) Rating 445801 1149739
Bx BookCrossing (ratings) Rating 263757 433652
BK Brightkite Social 58228 214078
PM Caenorhabditis elegans Metabolic 453 4596
IN CAIDA Computer 26475 53381
RO California Infrastructure 1965206 2766607
Sc Catster Friendships Social 149700 5449275
Scd Catster/Dogster Familylinks/Friendships Social 623766 15699276
MA Cattle Animal 28 217
CH Chess Interaction 7301 65053
CR Chicago Infrastructure 1467 1298
CS CiteSeer Citation 384413 1751463
Cti CiteULike tag–publication Folksonomy 885046 2411819
Cui CiteULike user–publication Folksonomy 754484 2411819
Cut CiteULike user–tag Folksonomy 175992 2411819
BM Club membership Affiliation 40 95
CU Contiguous USA Infrastructure 49 107
CC Cora citation Citation 23166 91500
BC Corporate Leadership Affiliation 44 99
CN Countries Affiliation 592414 637134
MC Crime Interaction 1380 1476
AN David Copperfield Lexical 112 425
Pa DBLP Authorship 5425963 8649016
Pc DBLP Coauthorship 1314050 18986618
Pi DBLP Citation 12591 49743
CD DBLP co-authorship Coauthorship 317080 1049866
DB DBpedia Misc 3966924 13820853
GE DBpedia genre Feature 266717 463497
Dti Delicious tag–URL Folksonomy 38289740 301183605
Dut Delicious user–tag Folksonomy 5345180 301186579
Dui Delicious user–URL Folksonomy 34611302 301186579
DG Digg Communication 30398 87627
DF Digg friends Social 279630 1731653
DV Digg votes Rating 142962 3018197
Dl Discogs Affiliation 2025594 14414659
Da Discogs artist–genre Feature 1754838 19033891
Dt Discogs artist–style Feature 1618326 24085580
Dr Discogs label–genre Feature 270786 4147665
Ds Discogs label–style Feature 244147 5255950
DNc DNC emails Communication 2029 39264
DN DNC emails co-recipients OnlineContact 2029 136602
Sd Dogster Friendships Social 426820 8546581
DO Dolphins Animal 62 159
DB Douban Social 154908 327162
Mv Dutch college HumanSocial 32 3062
EA Edinburgh Associative Thesaurus Lexical 23132 511764
EN Enron Communication 87273 1148072
ES Epinions Social 75879 508837
ER Epinions product ratings Rating 876252 13668320
EP Epinions trust Social 131828 841372
EU EU institution Communication 265214 420045
ET Euroroad Infrastructure 1174 1417
EF Facebook (NIPS) Social 2888 2981
Ol Facebook friendships Social 63731 817035
Ow Facebook wall posts Communication 46952 876993
Fr Filmtipset Rating 144671 19554219
Ff Filmtipset Social 39199 87415
Fc Filmtipset Interaction 75360 1266753
FI Flickr Misc 105938 2316948
FL Flickr Social 2302925 33140017
FG Flickr Affiliation 499610 8545307
LF Flickr links Social 1715255 15551250
FX Flixster Social 2523386 7918801
FD Florida ecosystem dry Trophic 128 2137
FW Florida ecosystem wet Trophic 128 2106
FO FOLDOC Hyperlink 13356 125207
FR Friendster Social 68349466 2586147869
GH Github Authorship 177386 440237
GN Gnutella Computer 62586 147892
GO Google Hyperlink 875713 5105039
GP Google+ Social 23628 39242
GC Google.com internal Hyperlink 15763 171206
GW Gowalla Social 196591 950327
HA Haggle HumanContact 274 28244
Shf Hamsterster friendships Social 1858 12534
Sh Hamsterster full Social 2426 16631
Mh Hens Animal 32 496
HT Highland tribes HumanSocial 16 58
MH Highschool HumanSocial 70 366
HUi Hudong internal links Hyperlink 1984484 14869484
HUr Hudong related pages Hyperlink 2452715 18854882
MF Human protein (Figeys) Metabolic 2239 6452
MS Human protein (Stelzl) Metabolic 1706 6207
MV Human protein (Vidal) Metabolic 3133 6726
HY Hypertext 2009 HumanContact 113 20818
HY Hyves Social 1402673 2777419
If Infectious HumanContact 410 17298
TO Internet topology Computer 34761 171403
JZ Jazz musicians HumanSocial 198 2742
DJ JDK dependency Software 6434 150985
J1 Jester 100 Rating 73521 4136360
J2 Jester 150 Rating 50832 1728847
Dj JUNG and javax dependency Software 6120 138706
MK Kangaroo Animal 17 91
Lb Last.fm band Interaction 175069 19150868
Ls Last.fm song Interaction 1085612 19150868
Ml Les Misérables Misc 77 254
LI Libimseti.cz Social 220970 17359346
LX Linux Software 30837 213954
Lk Linux kernel mailing list replies Communication 63399 1096440
LK Linux kernel mailing list threads Interaction 379554 1565683
ML Little Rock Lake Trophic 183 2494
LG LiveJournal Affiliation 10690276 112307385
LJ LiveJournal Social 4847571 68475391
Lj LiveJournal links Social 5204176 49174464
LM Livemocha Social 104103 2193083
LO Location Feature 225498 293697
MQ Macaques Animal 62 1187
RA Manufacturing emails Communication 167 82927
M1 MovieLens 100k Rating 2625 100000
M3 MovieLens 10M Rating 80555 10000054
M2 MovieLens 1M Rating 9746 1000209
Mti MovieLens tag–movie Folksonomy 24129 95580
Mui MovieLens user–movie Folksonomy 11610 95580
Mut MovieLens user–tag Folksonomy 20537 95580
ST Movies Feature 157184 281396
NX Netflix Rating 497959 100480507
ND Notre Dame Hyperlink 325729 1497134
OC Occupation Affiliation 229307 250945
OF OpenFlights Infrastructure 3425 67663
OF OpenFlights Infrastructure 2939 30501
OG Orkut Affiliation 11514053 327037487
OR Orkut Social 3072441 117184899
MP PDZBase Metabolic 212 244
RD Pennsylvania Infrastructure 1088092 1541898
MI Physicians HumanSocial 241 1098
PL Pokec Social 1632803 30622564
PG Pretty Good Privacy OnlineContact 10680 24316
PR Producers Authorship 187677 207268
PL Prosper loans Interaction 89269 3394979
PS Prosper.com Affiliation 7595 21017
PW Prosper.com Interaction 23965 35377
Mp Protein Metabolic 1870 2277
RC Reactome Metabolic 6327 147547
RM Reality Mining HumanContact 96 1086404
RL Record labels Affiliation 186758 233286
MO Residence hall HumanSocial 217 2672
RE Reuters Text 1065176 96903520
R2 Reuters-21578 Text 60234 1464182
MR Rhesus Animal 16 111
AS Route views Computer 6474 13895
Ms Sampson HumanSocial 18 189
MX Seventh graders HumanSocial 29 376
SX Sexual escorts Rating 16730 50632
Mc Sheep Animal 28 250
SK Skitter Computer 1696415 11095298
SD Slashdot threads Communication 51083 140778
SZ Slashdot Zoo Social 79120 515397
SC South African Companies Affiliation 11 13
SW Southern women 1 Interaction 32 89
Sw Southern women 2 Interaction 10 14
SO Stack Overflow Rating 641876 1301942
SF Stanford Hyperlink 281903 2312497
MT Taro exchange HumanSocial 22 78
TM Teams Affiliation 935627 1366466
R1 Texas Infrastructure 1379917 1921660
Mt Train bombing HumanContact 64 243
TR TREC (disks 4–5) Text 1729302 151632178
WT TREC WT10g Hyperlink 1601787 8063026
DBT TV Tropes Feature 152093 3232134
Wa Twitter OnlineContact 2919613 12887063
Ws Twitter (ICWSM) Social 465017 834797
TF Twitter (MPI) Social 52579682 1963263821
TW Twitter (WWW) Social 41652230 1468365182
Wti Twitter hashtag–URL Folksonomy 1502611 2635885
TL Twitter lists Social 23370 33101
Wut Twitter user–hashtag Folksonomy 705632 4664605
Wui Twitter user–URL Folksonomy 9374206 12656613
A@ U. Rovira i Virgili Communication 1133 5451
UF UC Irvine forum Interaction 1421 33720
UC UC Irvine messages Communication 1899 59835
UL Unicode languages Feature 868 1255
AF US airports Infrastructure 1574 28236
PC US patents Citation 3774768 16518947
UG US power grid Infrastructure 4941 6594
Vti vi.sualize.us tag–picture Folksonomy 577437 2298816
Vui vi.sualize.us user–picture Folksonomy 512524 2298816
Vut vi.sualize.us user–tag Folksonomy 99157 2298816
WT Web trackers Hyperlink 40421974 140613762
WU WebUni Magdeburg Text 206350 3869707
ben Wikibooks (en) Authorship 167525 1164576
bfr Wikibooks (fr) Authorship 30997 201727
nen Wikinews (en) Authorship 173772 901416
nfr Wikinews (fr) Authorship 26546 193618
de Wikipedia (de) Authorship 3620990 57323775
WC Wikipedia (en) Feature 2036440 3795796
en Wikipedia (en) Authorship 25323882 266769613
EX Wikipedia (en) Text 276739 7846807
es Wikipedia (es) Authorship 3288398 27011506
fr Wikipedia (fr) Authorship 4310551 46168355
it Wikipedia (it) Authorship 2393568 26241217
CO Wikipedia conflict OnlineContact 118100 2917785
EL Wikipedia elections OnlineContact 7118 103675
Wen Wikipedia links, English Hyperlink 12150976 378142420
Wfr Wikipedia links, French Hyperlink 3023165 102382410
Wde Wikipedia links, German Hyperlink 3225565 81626917
Wit Wikipedia links, Italian Hyperlink 1865965 91555008
Wja Wikipedia links, Japanese Hyperlink 1610638 71055717
Wpl Wikipedia links, Polish Hyperlink 1529135 57489447
Wpt Wikipedia links, Portuguese Hyperlink 1603222 49021409
Wru Wikipedia links, Russian Hyperlink 2853118 82056101
Tar Wikipedia talk, Arabic Communication 1095799 1913103
Tzh Wikipedia talk, Chinese Communication 1219241 2284546
Tnl Wikipedia talk, Dutch Communication 225749 1554699
Ten Wikipedia talk, English Communication 2987535 24981163
Tfr Wikipedia talk, French Communication 1420367 4641928
Tde Wikipedia talk, German Communication 519403 6729794
Tit Wikipedia talk, Italian Communication 863846 3067680
Tpt Wikipedia talk, Portuguese Communication 541355 2424962
Tru Wikipedia talk, Russian Communication 457017 2282055
Tes Wikipedia talk, Spanish Communication 497446 2702879
WD Wikipedia Threads (de) Communication 91340 2435731
Ug Wikipedia, de (dynamic) Hyperlink 2166669 86337879
WP Wikipedia, English Hyperlink 1870709 39953145
DL Wikipedia, English Hyperlink 18268992 172183984
WK Wikipedia, English Communication 2394385 5021410
Uf Wikipedia, fr (dynamic) Hyperlink 2212682 59008831
Ui Wikipedia, it (dynamic) Hyperlink 1204009 34826283
Ud Wikipedia, nl (dynamic) Hyperlink 1039252 20070561
Up Wikipedia, pl (dynamic) Hyperlink 1033050 25026208
Us Wikipedia, simple en (dynamic) Hyperlink 100312 1627472
qen Wikiquote (en) Authorship 116363 549210
W2 WikiSigned OnlineContact 138592 740397
mde Wiktionary (de) Authorship 151982 1229501
men Wiktionary (en) Authorship 2133892 8998641
mfr Wiktionary (fr) Authorship 1912264 7399298
MW Windsurfers HumanContact 43 336
WO WordNet Lexical 146005 656999
WR Writers Authorship 135569 144340
YD Yahoo advertisers Lexical 653260 2931708
YS Yahoo songs Rating 1625951 256804235
YG YouTube Affiliation 124325 293360
YT YouTube Social 3223589 9375374
CY Youtube friendship Social 1134890 2987624
LY Youtube links Social 1138499 4942297
ZA Zachary karate club HumanSocial 34 78
MZ Zebra Animal 27 111
原始数据名称: KONECT 网络图数据集合
数据介绍: KONECT 是一个收集大型网络结构数据集的研究项目(http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/),用以进行网络科学领域的科学研究应用,数据集由德国 Koblenz–Landau 大学(University of Koblenz–Landau.)的网络科学技术研究所(Institute of Web Science and Technologies)整理维护。 KONECT包含几个种各种类型的网络数据集,包括:有向,无向,二分,加权,无权,签名和评价网络图等;涵盖了许多不同领域,包括:社交网络,超链接网络,作者网络,物理网络,交互网络和通信网络图等。 KONECT项目开发了免费的软件网络分析工具,用于计算网络统计,绘制绘图和实现各种链路预测算法。
数据来源: http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/
文件类型: 多个tar压缩文件
文件大小: 48.00 Gb
领域场景: 未指定
领域问题: 未指定
领域应用: 未指定
应用案例: 未指定